The Fleeting Companion

The derpiest doggo we ever knew . . . Fingers outstretched With a tired sigh, I turned off the alarm, And relished the quiet. Just then a soft yip, Steady clicks across the floorboard, The sound of life and companionship. I got up and peeked out, And there she was, Standing with her paws perched […]
Nosy “Well-Wishers” and The Human Lifecycle

This post popped into my mind after a few phone calls that managed to frustrate me to no end while reminding me of the fact that human beings are just too nosy. We all love to gossip and that’s alright, gossip in a way works as a currency of sorts. We trade it to obtain […]
Little Bird

The lonely bird flitted from branch to branch In search of company and companionship But at every turn it was denied, “Too different! Too different!” Yelled they all They couldn’t bear to watch Or understand How it lived its life. It hunted late at dawn And woke up at its pleasure It gathered no trinkets […]
The Giants Revenge

This blog post was written by the author under extreme duress after the giant had read the previous one. The annoyed giant chased the poor innocent human across the apartment and pouted and pleaded until the poor human agreed to write this post. Also, the human lost a bet. Apparently, as per the giant, the […]
A Bad Day

Falling asleep at 1AM To an alarm that did not ring, Waking up late To a cup of coffee That does not exist, Running around in circles Waiting for the water to heat Only to find out That the tap wasn’t fixed. Late, late, We seem to be late, The day can’t get any worse, […]
The Real-Life Horror Story

I love horror podcasts, what could be more interesting than that? I figured out that soon enough, real-life horror podcasts, one of those true encounter’s ones, where people come across weird people or in some cases downright terrifying people. Either way, I was hooked on it. I’d listen to it whenever I’d get the chance […]
Parents: An Anthology In Incidents

I’ll be the first to admit it, parents can be absurd at times, and don’t pull the “They are your parents!” self-righteousness card because it is what it is. Them being my parents is exactly what gives me the power to say so, parents are absurd. They do the most outrageous things and then have […]
The Problems With Planning

The saga of a 19 hour long journey . . . I hate planning. Despise it really but the sad part is, I am obsessed with it. Alright to be very clear I am a person who obsesses over things to an almost… almost unhealthy limit and for this, we need to plan but when […]
Dirty Human Soup

To be human Is to be flawed Directionless And a little bit lost To move in ways Not known to man To flutter about In an unknown land. We are an odd species Mysterious even to ourselves, We fight against our instincts To only prove ourselves wrong, Our pride wins over reason The words of […]
Introverts And… Plans?!

Perish the thought “Do you have any plans for the weekend?” Why yes, yes, I do. They involve a comfy blanket and books. Nothing else could be any better. Why must people plan complicated outings involving several different places and 10 million human beings all squished into the same room? Does it not get tiring […]