This blog is for everybody who wants to learn, grow and write their own story.

Dirty Human Soup

To be human
Is to be flawed
And a little bit lost
To move in ways
Not known to man
To flutter about
In an unknown land.

We are an odd species
Mysterious even to ourselves,
We fight against our instincts
To only prove ourselves wrong,
Our pride wins over reason
The words of a stranger matters more.

Entire stories we created from nothing,
Simply the power of our mind,
Yet if unchecked
It grew into the most potent of poisons,
A monument to lost time
From imaginary friends to imaginary
We built it all,
A testament to our madness,
The power of self-destruction and loathing combined.

Voices and hallucinations
We heard it all,
Seen them all,
We go to bed with a stranger
Who whispers tales we refuse to hear,
Dark stories layered with honesty
The bitterest drink of them all.

We are actors truly,
Liars of the highest order,
Cloaked under the garment of hypocrisy
We tout tales of honesty,
Pretend to be leaders, one and all
“Together! Together!” We yell
Yet come hardship,
The façade falls apart.

The masked follow the act,
Play a part same as the other
“Why be different?” They think,
The fear of unacceptance clouds their mind,
Judgement is all that matters,
To be a part of society
We shed our skin, sanity and sentiment,
All plopped into one pot,
Stirred blind,
We drain the souls and see
The dirty human soup left behind.

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