This blog is for everybody who wants to learn, grow and write their own story.

Nosy “Well-Wishers” and The Human Lifecycle

This post popped into my mind after a few phone calls that managed to frustrate me to no end while reminding me of the fact that human beings are just too nosy. We all love to gossip and that’s alright, gossip in a way works as a currency of sorts. We trade it to obtain […]

The Giants Revenge

This blog post was written by the author under extreme duress after the giant had read the previous one. The annoyed giant chased the poor innocent human across the apartment and pouted and pleaded until the poor human agreed to write this post. Also, the human lost a bet. Apparently, as per the giant, the […]

The Problems of Living With A Giant

This post is a rant and I have no problems in admitting that fact honestly. Living with the elusive giant has taught me many things such as how to function in their habitat while causing minimal disruptions because any and all disruptions are noted, and petty vengeance follows immediately – also due to the fact […]

The Problems With Planning

The saga of a 19 hour long journey . . . I hate planning. Despise it really but the sad part is, I am obsessed with it. Alright to be very clear I am a person who obsesses over things to an almost… almost unhealthy limit and for this, we need to plan but when […]

Introverts And… Plans?!

Perish the thought  “Do you have any plans for the weekend?” Why yes, yes, I do. They involve a comfy blanket and books. Nothing else could be any better. Why must people plan complicated outings involving several different places and 10 million human beings all squished into the same room? Does it not get tiring […]

Books That Gave Birth To Horrifying Movies

Some books were not meant for the big screen . . . This gets aggravating at times, whenever we read a very good book, we can’t help but want to see the characters come to life and take us on a journey. I spent countless hours waiting for my Hogwarts letter or hoping for my […]

The Marital Day PTSD

The rite of marriage comes with many a step. The decision to marry, then finding the right person, still electing to get married, putting out familial fires – cus’ of course someone has to shit on something – then finally comes the grueling process of getting married. Of all the processes I did not expect […]

Travel Vlogs Have Been Lying

The dirty toilets told me so. . . . One of the things that aggravates me is travelling. I am ok with long drives and what not but when it comes to travelling long distances, I truly cannot call it a pleasant experience. But then again, one must remember that for each person their experience […]

3 Books That Make You Think… Just Why?

If there’s a hero, then so must there be a villain. Seems like a perfect cosmic law and funnily enough it’s applicable on books too. Let’s change it up, shall we?  So, if there’s a good book, then so must there be a bad book. And by God do I have wondrous pieces of absolute […]

CH 7: Conclusions and Cremations

The roof was a damp, messy thing. No better than the rest of the apartment building itself. “Down. D. O. W. N! How hard of an instruction is that to follow?!” I growled, shaking my flashlight for emphasis. “We were supposed to get down the fire escape and leave!” “Pam calm down. You’re going to […]