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Books That Made Me Think

When it comes to books, there are many that I have fallen in love with blindly. Yes, there are some reads that I do regret but there are a few that have managed to change my life. Words are powerful, and these books managed to pack quite a punch.
I was in middle school when I read Harry Potter and I thought it could not get any better than this. I thought this was what the pinnacle of writing looked like. In a way I agree, Harry Potter is a wonderfully written series, and I’ll never forget it, but as I grew, I got to read so much more. With each book, I got to learn a little bit more about our world, and understand a little bit more, and I don’t regret it for a single moment.
Words are a powerful weapon, and some books have managed to wield them better than most. It is amongst these books that I’ll be taking you along with me on a journey, I hope they can build a nest in your mind as much as they have made in mine.

The Prophet by Kahlil Gibran

Genre: Poetry, Fiction, Prose poetry

Pages: 107

Impact: Burns into your soul


I love poetry, something is haunting about people using a few words to change the world. But it isn’t about the words they use; it is about how they use it. Kahlil Gibran seems to have unlocked the secret art of words. His words cut through to your soul with ease that none can replicate, and the surprising part is that it isn’t even complicated. 

There a no complex six-syllable words that require a dictionary to break apart. It’s simple. It’s human. It’s all of us. Kahlil Gibran speaks to all of us through these pages, and what makes it unique is how incredibly personal it feels.

What Kahlil Gibran says to me is entirely meant for me, and what he says to you is just meant for you. Using a handful of words, he has woven a world that is incredibly personal for each reader. 

We all deal with issues only we can understand, yet somehow there is something in there for each of us. 

I can’t say that everyone will feel the same, nevertheless, it is a journey. You will be just a little bit different on the other side.

The pages are fewer, so savor it. 


“You talk when you cease to be at peace with your thoughts.”

― Kahlil Gibran, The Prophet

“Your children are not your children. They are the sons and daughters of Life’s longing for itself”

― Khalil Gibran, The Prophet

“And think not you can direct the course of love, for love, if it finds you worthy, directs your course.”

― Khalil Gibran, The Prophet


Cosmos by Carl Sagan

Genre: Popular science

Pages: 520

Impact: Burns into your mind

I started Cosmos after a slightly complex Stephen Hawking read. I love science and all that science has to offer but often I find it hard to follow, the words just seem to be out of reach. I feel for a scientist their ideas flow faster than their pens, constantly twisting and turning. This makes their words equally hard to follow unless you are a fellow scientist.

This is where Carl Sagan stands apart, he is patient and understands that there are those who aren’t scientists by definition but still carry a candle for science in their hearts. He made science accessible for the common man, in fact, he encourages all to take whatever knowledge of science he had and learn, learn as much as we can so that we do not repeat the errors our ancestors had made.

You feel like a child when you read this book; excited and giddy on their first ever field trip where he is our teacher, ever patient in the face of all our questions.

I won’t lie, there are moments when you may find yourself overwhelmed by the knowledge but be patient because it is worth the effort. You cannot rush through a masterpiece.

The book is also divided into bite-sized chunks where you can consume the world at a speed of your choosing.


“Every one of us is, in the cosmic perspective, precious. If a human disagrees with you, let him live. In a hundred billion galaxies, you will not find another.”

― Carl Sagan, Cosmos

“The nitrogen in our DNA, the calcium in our teeth, the iron in our blood, the carbon in our apple pies were made in the interiors of collapsing stars. We are made of starstuff.”

― Carl Sagan, Cosmos

“Books permit us to voyage through time, to tap the wisdom of our ancestors.”

― Carl Sagan, Cosmos


Small Gods by Terry Pratchett

Genre: Novel, Fantasy, Humor, Fantasy Fiction

Pages: 402

Impact: Changes your perspective

I am forever grateful to my friend for having recommended this book to me because this book hits you hard on many different levels.

When I got this book, I went into it thinking that perhaps it was just another light-hearted book to relax with, but I was very wrong. Yes, it has a humorous undertone but what the author tries to get at is much deeper.

Small Gods makes us rethink the entire blind faith concept that we humans have towards many things. Humans have this irresistible need to believe in something beyond themselves, to put their faith in the great beyond without truly understanding whether or not it exists.

Our first step to a complication is to turn away from it and depend on it resolving itself without truly finding a solution.

The interesting fact of this book is that the author does not go dismantling any belief systems or sentiments, he simply starts a conversation and allows it to lead itself.

You aren’t going to find a large number of characters, it’s just two people talking to each other.


“Om began to feel the acute depression that steals over every realist in the presence of an optimist.”

― Terry Pratchett, Small Gods


“Probably the last man who knew how it worked had been tortured to death years before. Or as soon as it was installed. Killing the creator was a traditional method of patent protection.”

― Terry Pratchett, Small Gods


“You can die for your country or your people or your family, but for a god you should live fully and busily, every day of a long life.”

― Terry Pratchett, Small Gods

I am not going to be compelling you to read all these books, all I am going to say is, don’t miss out. Maybe you won’t like it, but what if you do? It might just change your life or at least force you to think and reward you with a different perspective.

Don’t expect the pages to leap out at you with miracles, give them time, and the words will speak to you and eventually you’ll fall in love.

You’re welcome.

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