A potato is a potato
There are no guides or any sort of checklists that tell us or inform us on how to be better humans, but I guess after a certain level of observations and pain staking trial and error methods we kind of learn how NOT to be better humans. There are those amongst us who feel they have cracked the secret code to human better or be the human 2.0 but that isn’t how this works; if you feel you have achieved that pedestal then that in itself is a clue that you have most certainly failed. Being a better human is a complex process, people spend lifetimes trying to achieve that goal and apparently death and whatnot is a part of the process.
So, then what makes us a better human? Has anyone truly achieved it and if so, what are the steps?
Everyone outlines this process differently, some say it’s being equal, some say satanism but there is no common ground. Now the ones that I am interested in are those who have a concrete answer to this statement. The ones who feel it is black and white. If humanity could be laid out so simply, we’d all have achieved peace but being such a volatile species, it isn’t possible.
The best we can do is understand what doesn’t work.
I Am Educated, Hence You Are Trash POV
Education has nothing to do with basic behavioral abilities, but many seem to think that there is a direct correlation between both. Apparently, the law is that the more educated you are, the higher is your position on the ladder of humanity. But if that is so then by now all of us should have achieved some level of exalted position on this ladder.
This entire train of thought is highly outdated, a man’s level of knowledge does provide him certain opportunities, but it does not make him better than anyone else. The right to education is defined by a lot of factors such as the availability, familial situations, health etc. So, who are we to judge?
We compare a lot and nearly everything is a race in which we must come first else all is lost. Many times, in this competition we end up leaving so much behind us that in the end it’s not even worth winning.
Education isn’t the tell all for the qualities within a human, a lot depends on how we behave with someone or how we act in certain situations. A kind hello to someone or helping someone in need teaches us more about being a human than all our degrees combined.
All our qualifications cannot help us if our heart is more shriveled than a raisin and we look down upon others. It might cost you a piece of paper to prove you are educated but nothing at all to prove that you are professionally illiterate.
My Money Tree Is Bigger Than Yours POV
Money is a language that transcends time, culture and apparently even how people behave with you. There are certain laws circling even this hypothetical boundary:
- If you have more money than most then you are automatically granted everything before others, even the best burial sites and express entry into heaven.
- If you have money most offences are forgiven; short of murder – even that at times – is acceptable.
Gauging people upon the digits of their bank accounts seems a bit skewed at times, considering the fact that not everyone is born with a silver spoon in their mouths.
There was a point where aluminum was considered more expensive than gold due to the hardships of mining it. So, who is to say that the definition of rich won’t change few years down the road?
Maybe collecting moon stones will be the next way to be rich? Either way we don’t know. The amusing part is the fact that there are steps to be rich and steps to look rich and here is where the lines get muddled for most people. Let me tell you all the many steps people follow to look rich:
Step 1: Brands. Talk a lot about brands. Even if it makes no sense and has no context.
Step 2: Wear something fancy and shiny on your hands and wave them a lot till it catches someone’s attention and they ask you about it.
Step 3: Point at various objects and discuss at a length about the unknown/amazing origin you obtained it from.
Even though we all require money it doesn’t necessarily make us better humans if anything certain people lose themselves in the chase and turn into twisted versions of themselves. The judgement is downright cruel, and the gap widens. Bits of paper with numbers cannot write an entire story alone, it’s the human who wields them.
You Heard That, My Name Is Better Than Yours POV
Names are simple, they work as an identification card using which someone can call you or refer to you or the best part, gossip about you. Some say we carry the characteristics exhibited by our names or that there is some secret power hidden within it but for some our names apparently define everything and should there be no ancestral lineage behind it, it holds no value.
The whole, “Have you not heard about me” is an insane statement that makes no sense; ok I haven’t heard of you, so what are you planning to do about it now?
It doesn’t matter if the name has been passed on for centuries what exactly have you contributed to its notoriety? We chase so many things for the sake of it, so it is of no surprise that now even names are branded.
The most amusing thing is at times we deem someone unworthy enough that we don’t even wish to know of their names. Could be that they might be working even harder than us to define their names.
We seem to forget we are not defined by our names; the truth is that our names are defined by us. Humans do not require a seven syllable something to be defined as something great; just being a human is enough.
To judge anyone without understanding them seems a bit too harsh and to judge on materialistic objects is even worse, I mean even rich sociopaths exist so what makes one better than the other?
I love how even in movies all is forgiven as long as the culprit is a rich and good-looking millionaire. Imagine if 50 Shades of Grey was redone with a homeless and bald 58-year-old man. Anastasia would have switched continents.
We all talk of a better society, better surroundings, and better people but we tend to forget that better begins within ourselves.