CH 3: Cats, Cars, Oh My!

It was almost time for my shift at the convenience store and I was already feeling exhausted. “Nelly” and Erin were apparently in some weird grandma – granddaughter relationship and had driven me crazy throughout the day, what with their gossiping and giggling. If all this led to me getting my throat slit and having […]
CH 2: Nervous Nelly

I sighed falling back on the couch exhausted. Settling in was hard work. Even though we had meagre belongings, it still took time. I kicked my legs back up on the couch and stared at the stained ceiling as Erin tried in vain to clean up the carpet. Pigs would tap dance before that happened, […]
CH 1: Home Sweet Hovel

“Oh my god! Isn’t it absolutely perfect? I love the rain!” I hated it. “Seriously Erin, it’s just water.”, I muttered as I squinted and tried not to run over someone. “Whatever. It’s still beautiful.”, she pouted as she twirled her red curls around her pale fingers. “Pam! Stop!”, she yelled suddenly. “What?!”, I yelped […]
Cliffs, Lights, And Ravens

It was a dreary place. “Cold and windy”, he mused, “but it’s just for two weeks and we could use the money.” “Ah, she’s a right beauty ain’t she?”, the old man growled happily, distracting Thomas from his thoughts. “Um…yes I suppose so.”, he replied quietly. The old, dark, and tall tower was the furthest […]
School Day Blues

“Jordan? Jordan?!” “Present Mrs. Calloway!”, I gasped, looking up from my journal where I was writing. Laughter echoed around me as my friends tease me for drifting off again. And why shouldn’t I write or daydream? Afterall, don’t they keep asking us to be creative and imaginative? I loved to walk around my own little […]
The Distorted Image

There are days when we wake up unable to identify what exactly is it that we are feeling. Something’s off. All we know is that it isn’t going to be one of our better days. Even the slightest thing manages to set us off. Alarm bells ring in our head, warning us to just stay […]
Observation and Implication

Years pass by, yet they remain a stranger. Did we ever truly speak? We claim to know them like the back of our hands. Do we? Sometimes we don’t have to know a person in order to understand them. ————- “Dammit, Jessica is late again!”, thought Marie, nails tapping away at the table agitatedly. Huffing […]
Sharp Teeth Sharp Smiles

Moving places was a difficult business. You always felt you have left something behind, perhaps it was the memories. “Dust. So much dust.”, thought Bernadette as she stared at the massive book lined shelf. “The previous owners must have really liked to read.”, she muttered as dusted them down. Coughing from the work she backed […]
Location, Location, Location

A perfect location is a necessity for survival. ________________________________ “Dax! Did you repair the thrust on the tail end? Unit 05 is on perimeter check tonight!” “Yes commander! I have done it Sir!”, saluted Dax. The commander nodded in acknowledgement and left. Sighing Dax made his way towards the break room and collapsed on the […]
Tom’s Carrot – A Short Story of Want

A want is a healthy thing to have. We all want something. It allows us to work hard in order to achieve it. This is precisely why any character that we choose to craft must have a want. This is because, this want is what powers our characters story. Pushes him forward and allows us […]